Sunday, October 01, 2006

Not a Free Moment...

Wow, yesterday was quite a day. After I had gotten ready in the morning, I barely had any time before my mom and I had to go pick up my cousin's kid and take him to his soccer game. After that was over, we had to pick up his sister from where she was waiting for us. She had come back from a soccer game as well. All this time we had their younger sister Alyssa with us, at Matt's game. Once we had Rachel, we took the three of them to our place and played outside with a soccer ball and Diego. During this time Nolan and Megan, two kids I babysit, arrived. We then had five kids between the ages of two and eleven to look after. At around 5:00, Matt Rache and Alyssa left, leaving just Nolan and Megan.
We kept playing with them until it was time for Chrys and I to leave for church. We teach 3 & 4 yr. olds in Kid's Quest, so Nolan came with us while Megan stayed at home. With Nolan there, we had t h i r t e e n kids. That's insane, because the kids were all between two and four. Needless to say, that was rather hectic.
After that ended, we took Nolan and Megan back to their house for bedtime. In the end, we didn't end up getting home until after midnight this morning. It was a busy day, but very fun. However, I wouldn't want to repeat it in the very near future, as entertaining as it was.
Until later, have a good life.

1 comment:

Ignis said...

Kaeli, update your blog!!! I'll bug you about this until you do, you know.