Thursday, October 19, 2006

Animals and chocolate - what a day

As I said in my last post, I have no school today and tomorrow. So, today I went to visit Chryssie at the Apple Barn. My mom drove me there just before two, and I stayed until Chrys got off at four. When I first got there, it was super busy. I think there were three school tours there, so I had to wait until Chrys was unoccupied before I talked to her. She was still sort of busy, so I went to the petting barn. There was a baby goat. It was so cute. It makes its tiny little goat noise and it's so little. So cute. There were also sheep, big goats, pigs, llamas, and bunnies. I liked the bunnies. They're really soft.
I stayed in there a while, but then a school group came in, so I decided to leave. I went back to Chrys, and from that time on it wasn't really that busy. We just hung out with two other ladies that work there, and talked and stuff. It was fun. I had hot apple cider, too. It was really yummy. I love hot apple cider. Actually, this was basically hot apple juice, but you get it.
I bought myself some chocolate, too. I got a Caramilk bar, and Bear Droppings. They're really cute. It's just a bag of chocolate covered almonds, which I love. But they call them Bear Droppings. I thought that was fun.
I talked to Tash when I got home, on msn. We only talked for a few minutes because she had a meeting with one of her friends, but it was good to talk to her. It's been almost a month since she left. I miss her. But I'm glad she's having this experience.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about my fun day, so now I'm going to go do something that is 100% unproductive. That's what weekends are for, right?


Aurum said...

I"m gonna fell like an idiot for asking this but uh.. Apple Barn?

Kaeli said...

No, unfortunately the Apple Barn does not have honkeys, Vanessa. That was somewhat disappointing, but there were plenty of other animals.