Monday, October 16, 2006


It's amazing to me how popular blogging has become. It seems everyone is doing it now. It's kind of creepy when you think about it. Random people can just look at your blog and see what's going on in your life. Oh well. That's one of the things us bloggers have to deal with, I suppose. We chose to do this.
Anyway, I do have stuff to say other than my random, pointless blog talk. Although it's mostly just ranting on about my crappy spanish project, so you probably don't want to read it.
Today in Spanish class we did a fashion show. It was to help us learn our clothing and stuff. It was really fun, but it would have been way better if I had had a better group. I was forced into a group with two guys. That in itself peeved me, but these two guys were especially annoying. We had an entire class to plan and prepare for this thing, and they just sat around and talked about the most outrageous outfits that they could wear. The outfits were supposed to be funny and entertaining, but what they were talking about was just completely pointless stuff. It was dumb. I just sat there, while they chatted, and wrote out what they would have to say about me. They kept saying that they were done everything, which really bugged me because they had only planned what they were going to wear, and hadn't asked me for anything at all. Finally I got so frustrated that I just shoved my paper at one of them, told them that's what I'm wearing, and sort of told them how frustrated I was without really saying it.
That didn't make sense.
Um, I don't know how to explain it. I asked them if they had my stuff on there and they said no, and I told them that they weren't finished and needed to work, instead of goofing off the entire class. I'm sure they got the message.
On top of all that, one of them apparently told the other one to get a song because we had to have music playing as we were walking down the "catwalk". We didn't have music. Needless to say, I was very frustrated. But, we did it today and it wasn't terrible. I'm just really glad it's over.
So yeah. That's my frustrated ranting for the day. I might have something else tomorrow. Who knows? Bet you can't wait. Talk to you all later!


Aurum said...

Oh poor Kaeli. *goes and hugs her* Their their you'll be alright.

Yvonne said...

Ahhh - the joys of group projects:) Those were my least favorite thing in high school but at least you got through it all right. Love you babe and I'll see you tomorrow!

k.a.m.u.r.i. said...

Ha ha...poor Kaewi. Who were the two? If you feel it right to divulge their identities. And, oh, Kaeli...

Diego, SIT.

Anonymous said...

I bet you really wanted them in hollow trees.