Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Okay, I know I broke my own rule about updating my blog at least once a week, but it wasn't my fault, I swear. This past week with my classes and my online courses, I had so much homework. I haven't had much time to do anything else. But I'm finished all my online assignments that are posted, so I'm not as bogged down as I have been. Oh yeah, in case I haven't mentioned this already, I am taking two online courses this year. Socials and Planning. Because of that I have one spare in my day. I like it. It gives me time to work on homework so I don't have to take it home. What makes this semester difficult is that I'm taking five classes instead of four, and four of them are academic. I think. Math, Science, Spanish, and Socials. Maybe Socials isn't. Oh well. It's still a lot of work. But I'll try to keep posting more.
My mom is still healing, but she seems to be doing a lot better. As usual, she does too much at times and has to lie down for a while, but she should be all better soon. I hope.
Tasha is still packing for Australia. She is only allowed to bring one backpack, so she has to stuff everything into a red hiking-type backpack thing. Yeah. I'm great with describing things. She leaves on Thursday and won't be back until the day after my birthday, I believe. I'm gonna miss her bunches and oodles and stuff. It'll be hard to be separated from her for that long. I'm missing a day of school to bring her to the airport. Actually, I'm missing two days of school this week.
Tomorrow is a work day for tenth graders. Instead of going to school, we go straight to our work site. It's the same length as a school day. Because of this I'm missing two days of school in a row. That is a good thing, but at the same time I'm dreading it. I have to miss math, which is grade 11 so there will be a class that I'm missing tomorrow. I hate missing school. It's so hard to catch up. Oh well, I'll manage.
Another sad story is that I'll be missing pyjama day on Thursday! That's, like, my favourite day of the school year! I'm quite upset. Maybe I'll wear pyjamas to the airport in honour of this glorious day. That would be fun.
I think you're just about caught up on my week. Hopefully you'll hear from me again soon.
Oh! I just remembered...I can't believe I forgot! On Sunday we had a Loewen Faspa. It was a big dinner for all the Loewens to come together before Tash leaves. It was a blast, as all Loewen get-togethers are. Of course Rosanna had to come up with something outrageous. She brought a green sweater decked out with Christmas decorations, because Tasha's going to be gone for it. She also had a little game. We weren't allowed to say the words: baby, Australia, or fun. Whoever caught someone saying one of these words got to pick a Christmas carol for everybody else to sing. It didn't last very long, but it was fun. I love you Rosanna!
Okay, I think that's really everything now. If not...too bad. Talk to you all later.


k.a.m.u.r.i. said...

Wait, it's Pajama Day on Thursday? -panic- Do I NEVER listen in school?

Ignis said...

Umm, these are the languages in the order that I've used them: Italian, French, Polish, Romanian, and Hebrew.

Dumping water on Mr. Opp was awesome!! I'm not condoning it; I'm applauding it!!