Thursday, September 07, 2006

1:10 a.m.

Take a moment and read this title again. That's a.m., not p.m., people. Now, what does that time mean for you? Well, for me, it usually means that I'm lying in bed sound asleep dreaming sweet dreams. However, last night my body had other ideas.
I woke up for some reason, and my nose felt runny. It took only a second to realize that it was bleeding. I rushed to the bathroom and then had to stand there for ten minutes waiting for it to stop. I noticed, while waiting, that I had gotten three rather large spots of blood on my pyjama pants. What a great night, hey? But what can you do? These things happen.
Although I'm quite tired today because of that little incident, I am thankful that I woke up. Otherwise I would have bled all over my pillow and sheets. Also, I may have had difficulty breathing, seeing as most people usually breathe throught their noses when they sleep, myself included. These little details make me wonder at the amazing God we have. He planned us without any flaws, and thought of everything down to the way our toenails grow. He made it so that my body would wake me at the first sign of that nose bleed. That he loves us enough to pay attention to those things blows me away.


that's us... said...

hey kaeli! what a way to start the school year- and now a nose bleed! i've never had a nose bleed- well, except for when my friend ran into me in a basketball game but that's not the same:) hope everything worked out at school and your mom gets home and better soon! see ya!

k.a.m.u.r.i. said...

This sounds mean, but I'd like to say you're lucky, since I very frequently (compared to the rest of the NORMAL population) have nosebleeds and mine do NOT stop in ten minutes...but I agree on the God-thing.