Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dear Stephie

Today had a bit of an interesting twist to it. My dear friend Stephanie Chiu was brushing her hair out after I messed it up but it was getting staticky(no idea how that would be spelled). She was going to put some water on her brush to keep it from becoming more static-y. Her water bottle was then sitting next to her on the floor, open and inviting. Who could resist such a temptation? I took that water bottle and held it above her head. She looked at me, and kept brushing her hair(her long, gorgeous black hair; I love it; I want it; Maybe not the black; I wouldn't look very good with black hair; I like brown). I drizzled some of the water on her head, and again she just watched me. I did a bit more and she finally flipped. She freaked out and told me to give the bottle back. She then proceeded to chase me down the hallway, up the stairs, and around the school.
I went back downstairs to where our friends were sitting waiting to see the outcome of our little....tiff. We waited there, but Steph didn't show for a few minutes. I was getting scared because I didn't know where she was or which direction she was going to come from.
But I knew she wanted to kill me.
Finally she got back and she pursued me around the lounge for a bit before the bell rang and Lindsay, the life-saver that she is, hid the bottle in her locker. Later on in our spare(here comes the best part), Lindsay informed me that Steph had blogged the event. Unbelieving, I looked over to the computer screen Linds was sitting at and sure enough, there it was. Short and sweet, but I couldn't believe it. She had actually stopped in the middle of hot pursuit to BLOG it! What a nerd! Sorry Stephie, darling, but you are one screwed up little ducky.
Interesting lunch hour, eh?


Aurum said...

that was funny though. You had to admit it was.

Anonymous said...

it's almost been a week now...

k.a.m.u.r.i. said...

Sorry, Kaeli m'dear, but you cannot even hide behind "Anonymous". Terribly sorry to disappoint you...

Not really, but I'm sure you'll deal. *shrug*