Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Product of constant badgering

This post has no plan for it, no events that inspired me to write it. It is simply here because people keep badgering me about updating, which I know I should do more often. Therefore, all you're really gonna find in this one is a bunch of randomness. Just a bit of a warning.

In response to Steph's comment on my last post...what exactly did you mean? When was I hiding behind "Anonymous"? and who is that, exactly? I'm quite a bit confuzzled.

Happy news: I got 98% on my last Spanish test. That's a relief because it was the biggest one we've had yet. Out of 223 marks, that one. I'm very impressed with my mark. Today we had a sub for Spanish. It was Herr Janzen, the German teacher. That was rather interesting. All we did today was watch Destinos, so he didn't really need to do anything. It was still weird.

Speaking of Destinos, I don't like watching them. Most of the time the people are speaking in conversational Spanish, so we can't understand what's going on most of the time. There are a few times in each episode where the narrator or Raquel speaks slowly for the uneducated audience, but that's just boring. According to Chrys that's the best way to learn. I know she's right, but it's so frustrating when we can't understand it.

Conversational is a very long word to type. It's rather fun. Conversational. Hm. What other really long words are out there that would be fun to type? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. That one's not as fun though. Mississippi is fun. I can't think of any more.

Hm. I'm sorry, I can't think of much more to say. I'm not quite as skilled as the Queen of Randomness, miss Stephanie Chiu. She's very entertaining. I'm gonna leave now. Sorry this post was so boring. I'll try harder next time. Right now I just don't care.


Anonymous said...

you spelled supercalifragilisticespialidocious wrong

Kaeli said...

Did not.

Aurum said...

Ha. (sorry that was to the replies). It was interessting, you finaly updated!!!!!!!!!!!!! and uh the movie or whatever you were talking about, is that like the uh tv stuff we watched in German last year that was hard to understand because the teacher was always talking through them like we were idiots?

Kaeli said...

No, that was ok. I liked the German videos. They were awesome. Can't wait to continue them next semester.

Aurum said...

Just this time it will be easier to understand because Mr. Zuekoski(sp?) won't be their to talk through it all.

Kaeli said...

Mr. Zukowski, there. And Mr. Zukowski actually helped.