Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well, it's finally happened. Yesterday I received my school schedule in the mail. I was very excited to see it come, because I had been waiting for it for a week. Yesterday's wait was extra special because I knew that it would be arriving, but the mail came three hours late. It truly almost killed me.
However, its arrival was bittersweet, because it also meant that school is starting soon. A week from today. I have been dreading this for the past month. I really don't want to go back to school, but there's not really anything that can be done. It's going to happen. I just don't want it to. I want to be done with school.
Ok, I'm starting to rant now, so I should go and spare anyone who is actually taking the time to read this. Please pray for me. The beginning of school is always so stressful for me, and this year seems to have a little more added to it.

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