Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Week Late

Sorry about this, but I tend to be quite lazy with keeping up with things. You know how you think about doing something but never really get around to doing it? That's me most of the time.
What I have been planning to write about was the Phantom of the Opera. Yvonne, Chrys, Tasha and I saw it live last Saturday. It was absolutely amazing. We own the DVD and I've watched it many times, but I have always wanted to see it on Broadway. I had a chance to do that a few years ago, but I got sick the morning we were supposed to leave so my sisters had to go without me.
But last Saturday, it finally happened. I was there, sitting in row 12, seat 62. Amazing seats. There were certain scenes that I had wondered how they would perform them live, such as the underground lake scenes in the Phantom's lair. But every bit of it was spectacular. One thing that did bug me, however, was the voice of the girl who played Meg. I can't really explain it, but it was really annoying.
Everyone else in the cast was impressive. It was everything I expected and more. I am so happy that I was able to experience this at least once in my life (which I think everyone should). I loved every minute of it.

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