Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wedding Bells Ringing

Well, it's all over. On Saturday, July 22, 2006, my only brother, Jared Unruh, got married. It was a beautiful wedding. Lisa looked beautiful, and everything was decorated beautifully...even if it was all purple. I cried, of course, but can you really blame me? My only brother was in the process of getting married. It's a bittersweet moment.
Everything went along smoothly in the ceremony, until they got to the signing of the registry. As it happens, it wasn't on the table. My mom went running out in the middle of the ceremony to go find it, along with two of my aunts. It was quite funny, actually. Jared and Lisa waited a few minutes, then just decided to to the unity water while they were waiting. Since it was an outdoor wedding, and I had bad experiences when trying to light the unity candles at my sister Yvonne's wedding three years ago, Jared and Lisa decided to pour red and blue water together instead. It was really cool. When they finished that, they went back to the empty table and waited some more. Finally our aunt Betty came running out with a folder in her hands. Everyone cheered. My family and I knew, however, that it was probably just a blank sheet of paper that they would sign so the ceremony would end. Apparently Auntie Betty had written on it: This is a fake. Sign here. She is so fun.
After the ceremony, everyone just sort of hung out, drinking water and iced tea, which were supplied due to the ridiculous heat of the day. The immediate family and the wedding party went off to some abbey to take pictures. When that was over, the reception began.
It was a blast with supper, speeches, and dancing to end off the night. My three sisters and I all did a little tribute to Jared. Each one of us wrote a little speech to say at the reception. I was really nervous, but it really wasn't that bad once I got up there. The evening ended with dancing. Jared's friends were on the puny little dance floor all night, and my cousins and I were out there for a good chunk of it as well. But two of Jared's friends, Sunnee and Woody, kind of scared us. They just randomly came up to my cousins and me and started dancing with us. It was scary, because at the time I had no idea who these people were. My sister Yvonne told me who they were after they left. For the rest of the evening, Woody was having a blast. He even danced with my omi. He actually wouldv'e been really funny if I wasn't so afraid of him.
Other than that, the reception was fun. We requested songs from the dj, and danced until our feet were aching.
After we arrived home from the reception, two of my cousins, Chrys, and I popped popcorn and watched a movie. Oh yeah, we know how to party.
Jared and Lisa are on their honey moon right now, and I think they get back on Sunday. That's all I have to say for now, I think. I'll probably remember other stuff later.

1 comment:

Chrys said...

Haha, you were so funny. I never thought someone could be so worried about carrying water. You barely moved while we were waiting to walk down the aisle cause you were so scared you'd spill it. It wasn't actually that bad was it?