Friday, July 14, 2006

Congratulations to Me

Well, I must say that I am rather proud of myself. Yesterday on Thursday, July 13 2006, I , Kaeli Unruh, flew all the way from Saskatchewan to B.C. all by myself. That may not seem like a huge accomplishment to some, but I had never travelled anywhere by myself before. This was the very first time. And it wasn't even that bad. I'll admit, at the beginning of the first flight, from Saskatoon to Calgary, I was near to tears. This was partly due to fear, and partly due to the fact that I always cry whenever my cousin Karisa and I are separated, yet again. (hey, can you blame me? We live two provinces apart and rarely get to see each other.) I didn't cry though. The reason for this was that I knew I would be seeing Ris again in just five days, when she would come out to Abbotsford for my brother's wedding. Another reason for my courageous lack of tears was that I remembered two bible verses that really helped me. The first one was: I can do all things throuh Jesus Christ who gives me strength. I'm not sure what the reference was for that one. The second was Joshua 1:9-Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. I said these verses to myself over and over in my head afterward I realized what I big baby I was being. There was absolutely nothing complicated about flying on an airplane. Unless you're the pilot. I had nothing to be afraid of, because on the way to Saskatchewan my mom had shown me how to find my gate and stuff. Also, I knew that God would be with me, and that even if something did happen, He would still be there, guiding me.
After that point, I was perfectly fine and was able to enjoy both the flight, and the exploration of the Calgary airport. Alright, it wasn't all that interesting, but I bought a candy necklace at the candy store. That was fun. Also, while waiting for the boarding announcement, some guy came up to me and asked if I had just attended a wedding in Saskatchewan. I said I did, and he asked if it was Darren and April's. Again, a confirmed that fact, and he said that he had recognized me from the wedding. I found that strange, because I can never remember new faces, especially at a wedding where I will never see half the people there again. But maybe that's just me. Apparently this was one of April's cousins. He was a really nice guy, and we talked for a bit, which sort of took away some of the boredom of waiting for our flight to be ready.
The flight from Calgary to Abbotsford was interesting, because the two ladies that sat beside me didn't stop talking to each other. Understandable, but somewhat annoying. They also had each ordered a beer, and they smelled nasty. Oh well. I just read my book the entire flight. When I got to the Abbotsford airport, I looked around, expecting to see someone from my family waiting to pick me up. There was no one. I just went to wait for my luggage, planning to call home if no one was there by the time I received it. Just then I saw Tasha and Lisa, the future sister-in-law, burst into the airport, looking around for me. I went up behind them and scared them both. It was quite fun. They screamed then laughed then hugged me. After I had my luggage, I asked them why they were late. Apparently they had been at the airport on time, but the computers had said that my flight was going to be delayed for an hour, so they went home. But when they got home, my mom checked the internet and it had said that my flight had already landed. They rushed back to the airport, and that's why I found them looking quite frazzled. It was a fun day.
I would love to tell about my experiences in Saskatchewan, but looking at the length of this blog already, I will wait and spread out my posts over the next few days. In the meantime, enjoy the blogs I have up. They will get more interesting, I promise.

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