Monday, July 17, 2006


I absolutely love small children. They are adorable, except when they are doing things that we would rather not have them do. But then they go and they do something so childish and innocent and hilarious, and you can't help but love them all over again, completely forgetting all their...not so innocent moments. Until the next time it happens, that is.
I suppose you may be wondering the reason for this particular blog, which would be that This mornig I babysat Nolan and Megan Wall. They are the only two kids I babysit, really. But this morning I had to be there before they were awake. I was to wake them up, feed them breakfast, and then entertain them until their mom got home. It was so fun. After they were both fed and dressed and ready for the day, we just played. Somehow both Megan, age 1(almost 2), and Nolan, age 3(almost 4), ended up lying on the floor next to each other. I tickled them both, and they just burst into giggles. They didn't stop, even when I wasn't tickling them anymore. They just looked at each other, touched each other's faces, and burst into more giggles. This went on for a few minutes. It was so cute to watch. Just the simplest thing that either of them did would set them off again.
They were adorable. I love how children can laugh and have fun at the simplest things. I think my friends would tell you that I am pretty close to being like that, seeing as the simplest things seem to set me off into laughter that I can't seem to control....but they don't understand that it is really funny in my mind. Just the way something was said, or whatever. But it was just so special to see the two of them like that. Brother and sister, hanging out and having a good time. Not stealing toys from one another, not arguing over who gets to sit in the fluffy red chair, just having fun with each other. It was so special.
Looking up again, I can see that this blog is already longer than I wanted it to be. I really need to work on that.....


Chrys said...

I really like getting comments on my blog, so I decided I'm going to comment on all yours. Here's the first one! You have a great blog Kaels.

Chrys said...

Aww...I miss them. We need to have them over soon. I miss my Megan.

gabe said...

I know what you mean :)