Sunday, December 03, 2006

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

Everywhere I look now I'm reminded that the Christmas season is upon us. There's snow on the ground, there are decorations in the streets, and the nativity scene is being put up on Clearbrook. For a while now, my mom has had Christmas decorations all around the house, and Christmas music has often been playing. Now, on top of all that, WE HAVE OUR CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! It's amazing! It's so pretty and green and pretty smelling and IT'S SO PRETTY!
We went to a place in.....Langley? today where they sell Christmas trees. $40 for any tree in the field. There were a lot of trees, too. After wandering around for quite some time, my mom and dad and I finally found one that we really liked (well, okay we found a lot that we liked, but we settled on this one) and cut it down. When we got back to the main barn thing where we had to pay for it, one of the guys that works there asked if we wanted him to shake it off for us, so there's no more snow on it. My dad said yes, and the guy put the tree on this weird machine thingy that shook the tree so all the snow fell off! It was very fun. I love Christmas trees. Real ones. My mom was considering just getting a fake one this year, but I'm so glad we didn't. Fake trees don't look as good, and they don't smell pretty, either.
Our tree is now sitting in the garage, for some reason unknown to me. Ask my dad. But we have a tree! I'm so happy! I loved running through the snowy fields searching for one. Okay, fine, I wasn't really searching, I was just running through the field. I like running through the snow, okay? Sue me. Although, that was only when my dad wasn't making me drag the wagon through the snow, between trees, and over stumps. It was rather difficult. The snow made the process a lot harder than it should've been. But it was fun.
And now, my mom is making cinnamon buns! That just about completes the Christmas package! All we need is for the tree to be set up in the living room and decorated, have preents under it, and have Tasha home.
Christmas gives me the warm fuzzies. Warm fuzzies are good.
Hey, my toes have thawed! Yay for that!
Man, Jesus sure knows how to throw a birthday party.


Anonymous said...

Glade you had fun. AND YA YOU HAVE A TREE!

Anonymous said...

Hou make my day brighter.

Anonymous said...

It was actually Chilliwack

Anonymous said...

Chrys, if Kaeli ever mentions me getting into a vehicle with her either driving or navigating, make me stop IMMEDIATELY!! How did she manage to get Chilliwack and Langley confused? They're in entirely different directions from Abbotsford.

Kaeli said...

I didn't hear the name properly, and I don't pay attention to which direction we're going when we leave home. And you're smart in saying that. I don't know where any of the cities surrounding Abbotsford are.....I'm hopeless.

Anonymous said...

don't worry Kaeli, I know about as much as you do when it comes to places surounding Abbotsford.

Anonymous said...

don't worry Kaeli, I know about as much as you do when it comes to places surounding Abbotsford.

Anonymous said...

kaeli-cutting down your own tree sounds like such a blast!
maybe you should come over and make egg nog sometime-i could crack an egg on your head! he he:) have a great day!