Saturday, August 12, 2006


Sorry about the lack of updates recently. Yesterday we found out that the doctors misdiagnosed my mom. Apparently nothing going on in her body made sense with the twisted bowel. Now they said it's diverticulitis, which is when little pockets/bubbles form in the intestine. She is now on antibiotics for it, as well as morphene. According to my mom, it is working.
We are hoping that she will get better soon, but according to the huge medical book we have in our kitchen, diverticulitis can take up to two weeks to heal. She still can't eat anything in case she has to go into surgery. Again, we are praying that it won't come to that. We are visiting her as much as possible, but it would be nice to have her home.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the unpdate. Could you please tell your mom that we are praying for her as well as the rest of your family.
Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Hey Kaeli! Hope your mom is continuing to feel better. Have a good day!