Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Over the past few months, Chrystal has been playing nothing but the soundtrack to Rent in her car. I'm not exaggerating, that's literally all she played since she discovered the musical over three months ago. Every time I rode with her in her car, she has had that soundtrack playing, and she just about threw me out of the vehicle while it's moving every time I tried to change it. I absolutely hated it. I couldn't stand listening to it at all. I hated the music, the words, the names of the characters (Mimi? Seriously?), and just about everything about it. It was pure torture.
Now, my opinion of this particular musical has changed drastically. I have listened to it so much, I know exactly which voice belongs to which of the eight main characters. I know the general plot, and have watched a few clips of the movie. I want to watch the entire thing with Chrys now, because I want to understand everything that's going on.
Tash thinks I've gone to the dark side, and until now I would have agreed with her. Now, I can see all the amazing features of the musical. It's story line is realistic and emotional. The voices of the cast are unbelievable. When they sing together, it sounds unbelievably beautiful. When I actually watch the actors perform the songs on the film, it makes them so much more emotional. I love it. There are a few songs that I listen to over and over again, because they are so emotional and beautiful that I just can't get enough of them. It is now one of my favourite musicals, possibly up there with Phantom of the Opera. For those who don't know me, that's high praise.


Chrys said...

Yay! I'm not the only Rent lover in the family now. I knew I'd get someone else eventually :)

Anonymous said...

Kaeli, I love reading your posts!