Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August Post

Since my updates seem to have dwindled down to monthly occasions, that seemed an appropriate title.

So, what's new with me? Well, I have a job. Yay me! I am now an employee of McDonalds. It's a very good job. So much fun. I love it. Yeah, there's not really much I can say on that subject.

Umm....I haven't been driving much lately. Oh! I just remembered I have a lesson soon. Mustn't forget about that. That would be very bad.

Last week I attended a day camp thing for teenage girls at Northview. My friend Stephanie invited me. It was amazing. They had speakers every day, and they all had amazing stories to share.


Kaeli said...

This was actually written in August, just so you know. I just saved it as a draft because I didn't feel like finishing it then. Then I just didn't feel like finishing. so here it is. That's everything I wrote in August. I DID NOT MISS IT, GIRLS! Thanks for your support, though. Your constant nagging about how much you missed my posts made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love you all! Bless everyone who commented!

Chrys said...

Cheater!! Now you only have one more week to do your September post....

Kaeli said...

I did not cheat! That was written in August! I just thought it would show up as being posted in September. I guess it's because I didn't add anything to it since then. But I swear on Kyra's life, this post was written in August.

Kaeli said...

Ew! Grossness! I just realized I didn't change the colour of my font for this! Dang it. It so boring now! Lame.

Vanessa said...

Well, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.. hehe. :)

No worries about not changing the color of the font. Just having a post to read, even if it's in black font is more exciting that not having any new posts to read.

Congrats on the August post!