Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yay for cousins

This past weekend Karisa and Katies came from Saskatchewan for a visit and, as usual, it was a blast. Of course we watched movies, we can't not do that. We watched 10 Things I Hate About You, She's the Man, and we saw Dreamgirls at the theater with Chryssie. Saturday night.....which I guess was yesterday, was when we watched She's the Man, and we stocked up on junk food; chocolate, chips, timbits, it was awesome. At some point near the end of the movie we all realized that we felt a little sick. We should have known better, everyone has overloaded on candy at least once in their life, but it was fun anyway. We laughed at ourselves. We laughed a lot this weekend. That's not surprising. That is something that takes up a good chunk of our time together, just laughing at ourselves or anything we may find remotely entertaining at the moment.

Along with the movies and laughter we also played a bunch of games. Dutch Blitz, Scum, and Mad Gab were our selections for the weekend. Mad Gab proved to be extremely entertaining for Ris and me. Some of the word combinations they have in there....It was fun.

Unfortunately, they were only here from Wednesday evening to very very early this morning, so we didn't have a lot of time together. Especially during Thursday and Friday as this was the last week of classes before exams and I couldn't miss school. That sucked. But we made up for that lost time, don't you worry. I really wish we could see each other more often, but I 'm glad for the time we do have together. It's that much more special.

One good thing about having exams this week: no school Monday, Thursday or Friday. Yay. Tuesday I have my Math exam at 1:00 in the afternoon, and my Science exam is Wednesday at 9:00 am. Prayers would be appreciated, because I'm really nervous. It's only two exams, but Math 11 is hard and I've always sucked in Science.

I wish I was sorry for my lack of updating recently, but really, I don't really care. It's my life, I'll blog it as I see fit. I highly doubt any of you would want to hear all about my completely eventless weeks, anyway. You'd fall asleep on the keyboard, trust me. So, until the next time hopefully in the near future when I have something interesting to post again, goodbye.


sports gal said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a fun week. It's too bad that you couldn't miss school because of exams. Don't worry about your exams. I had 2 today, and they weren't that bad. You're gonna do great, just you wait and see. I'll pray for you anyways, if that'll make you feel better. Happy studying!!
PS Come visit my blog sometime. It's

Have a great day!!

Aurum said...

Sounds like you and your cousins had a lot of fun. I'm glade for you.

And ah, quick question, isn't grade 10 science exams Tuesday morning? I know the grade 10 math provincial is Tuesday afternoon, and I thought the Science was before that.

Aurum said...

Ooops, I was wrong I looked at the scedual thing, your right Kaeli, I'm wrong.

Can I take a wild guess and guess that sports girl is Jakie (unless I saw a diffrent name reply to Lindsay's blog).

Ignis said...

Yeah, that's Jacqui's username.

sports gal said...

Hey, Ya, sports gal is me. Hope you're exams went well everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaeli - sounds like you had some quality Loewen cousin time! Always a favorite for me too. I too hope your exams went well and that you are doing great. Love you!

Chrys said...

Hey Kaels - remember when you said you wouldn't go more than a week without updating? well, now you're 2 days away from going a month!!! What's with the lack up updates chicadoodle?