Friday, November 10, 2006

Flu Season

Usually this isn't a big deal for me, but this year my mom thought I should get a shot anyway, just in case. However, she neglected to tell me about this until 8:30 this morning.
I was still sleeping (duh, it's the weekend) when she opened my door. Normally this isn't such a big deal, but my door isn't just any old door. It's a very special door. Opening or closing my bedroom door takes a little more effort than usual. Because of this, whenever one of the two happens, it is very loud. That is what caused me to bolt upright in my bed the moment she opened the door.
Again, normally seeing my mom there wouldn't surprise me all that much, because whenever she wakes me up it's because I've ignored my alarm clock and am going to be late for school. Today, however, I had no school. That was my first thought in my moment of panic. Then she told me she wanted me to go with Chrys and get a flu shot. She left, and I lay down again, waiting for my heart to stop beating so fast. Don't mock me, it was very scary.
Anyhoo, I went upstairs to eat breakfast where Chryssie told me that we would be leaving in ten minutes. For anyone who knows me, this is not much time. I'm rather slow, especially first thing in the morning. We ended up leaving later that Chrys would have liked, but I really don't care.
We met Fonzi at the church (Seven Oaks Alliance, where the shots were being given). We were supposed to be there at the same time so we could wait in line together but....... Fine, it was all my fault, okay?
Anyway, Chrys and I waited in line together. She got her shot for free because she has a chronic illness, and I got mine free because I live with her. A very nice arrangement.
When it was Chryssie's turn to get her shot done, I started to go with her because she had told me that she always cries when getting shots. I promised her I would hold her hand (don't be ashamed Chrys, lots of people don't like needles). However, the lady that was telling people where to go for their shots didn't let me! I told her that I need to be with my sister because she's going to cry, but she didn't believe me. Finally she let me go, and I held Chryssie's hand, just like I promised. She didn't cry that much.
I was surprised at how quick hers was over. I saw the needle go in, then it came out. I was in the middle of saying: "It's okay, Chryssie. It's o - it's over?" Very weird. The really weird part was that mine took a few seconds. We had the same nurse, too. I could feel the needle go in, then I felt her pushing the vaccine into me. Chrys thought mine lasted a lot longer, too.
When we got home my mom told us to eat chocolate. Apparently if you don't then your arm will start to shake after a while. I didn't complain. I was quite happy about it, actually. Chrys was joking that I liked it so much I should go back tomorrow and get another shot.

You know, that's not a bad idea....


Ignis said...

Aww . . . you're such a good sister. I didn't know Chrys had a chronic illness. Chocolate good. ~nods~

Kaeli said...

Yeah, her chrinic illness is asthma. I had it too, once upon a time. I grew out of it, though. Apparently Tash had it at one point too. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Love the flu shot post Kaeli! You are so funny!

Aurum said...

Needles: suck. Asthma: sucks. Needles: really suck. Now good luck keeping the flu away. I swear those things don't keep the flue away they give it to you. I refuse to get mine (every year) because I find that if you get the flu shot, you get the flu, you don't get the flu shot, you don't get the flu. Kinda stupid really. But ya needles suck, and stink. And they hurt, and I don't like, how can you stand them?
Wait, their starting to give out flu shots? Wow I have to start paying attention to the news, usualy it's being advertised. Oh well, then my dad won't find out. I wish you luck when you get the flu though.

Yvonne said...

Kaeli you are so funny. You just want to go back so you can get more chocolate:)hehe Love you babe!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting that. And you ALWAYS make me late. Remember that time I told you we had to leave 5 minutes earlier than we actually had to and we were actually on time? I should do that more often. I think it's because of your shoes..

gabe said...

yes, Kaeli, I was going to say how cute you are but everybody else did and you might be getting tired of it. I didn't know Chrys had a chronic illness either. I really do like chocolate.I think it is better without hurtfull shots though.

Kaeli said...

I could never get tired of being told I'm cute, or funny, or any other compliments people are willing to send my way.

Chrys, I prefer to tie my shoes before leaving the house, and untying them when I get home. I don't care if it takes a few extra seconds. Deal with it.